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Friday, May 13, 2011

Wrote this just after surgery, but took a while to publish. Abbey Dog!

Well the past few weeks have been pretty hectic to say the least.  Last Thursday I got the news I was hoping to avoid that I tore my ACL and my meniscus from the skiing accident.  Not much went through my mind when I got the news except, “FIX IT!”   But fix it when?  Now, later, or even later?  I ran dates through my mind.  Kyle and Anna’s engagement party is Memorial Day weekend, after that would have been good, but then I would be having surgery right before Chris and Allison’s wedding.  And the recovery time would seriously get into my fishing time for the summer.  The doc told me he had an opening the week of May 2nd through the 6th.  Hell, the sooner the better right?  I had the surgery done 5 days after knowing that I needed it.
It was a fairly easy surgery as far as surgeries goes, so I’ve been told.  I know of friends that are going through a lot worse, so I’m not going to complain much about it.  The nerve block is wearing off as I type, so that’s the only thing that really stinks about it so far.  From here on out I know the pain is going to something good, a full recovery!
The one thing that has surprised me about the surgery is my dog.  My friends and family have been great throughout the process, see the facebook page to confirm that, and I really appreciate my family for helping me with the immediate recovery.  My dog seems to know that something is wrong and she’s going through doggie momma care blues.
From the morning that I woke up, she seemed to be stressed about something.  Ever since I got back to Mom’s house, she’s been at my bedside looking worried, protecting, and extremely bored.  Like she’d rather be doing something else, but she needs to be there just in case something happens.  It’s just something that I noticed since I’ve been bedridden for a few days.  Makes me think that everybody should have a good dog in their life, for the one fact that they will never complain or judge you.  Random thoughts after surgery and some pretty kick ass pain meds!

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