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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Do you know who Alex is?

I can’t actually remember the exact date that Alex and I first meet, but I’m going to assume that it was around February of 2007.  Correct me if I’m wrong Alex!  Alex is my little brother in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program out here in New Mexico.  Around the time that I moved back to New Mexico, I was looking for some type of community service to do.  Not sure what I was wanting exactly, I did some research and found out about BBBS.  I read that the boys in the program were on a waiting list for over a year since there weren't enough male volunteers for the program.  I thought this would be the perfect opportunity help out.  To make a long story short, Alex and I were matched and have been great friends since then.
The progression of Alex’s and my relationship has gone from Big Brother/ Little Brother, to Big Brother/Taller Brother, to just brothers.  We were able to hit it off from the start and it’s been a pleasure to just hang out with him for the past 5 years (if my time recollection is correct).  And that’s all that we do is hang out, talk about what’s on our minds, what’s going on in our separate worlds, and nothing too dramatic.  It’s just not in our personalities to be dramatic to be honest. 
I feel lucky that I’ve been able to see the progression of him becoming his own being over the years.  From the little kid in the 6th grade, to the over sized kid in middle school, to the soon to be man in high school.  He surprises me constantly on how much of man he has become.  Don’t get me wrong, his is a typical stinky teenager, but he has found who he is and that’s what I see that makes me proud of him and makes we want to write this entry about him. 
The other day, he called to let me know that he had won a merit award in a photography competition.  The photo bug has bitten Alex and I think that it’s something he should pursue further because he’s got a talent when it comes to capturing images.  His photo was going to be put on display at the Albuquerque Art Museum and he wanted to know if I would come and see the exhibit opening.  Of course I went!  I took my good friend Chuck along to see it with Alex and his mom.  Alex get’s along with all of my family and friends, which just goes to show you how much of patient person the guy is. 
His photo in the exhibit it called “Minor Depression” and it was a great shot with nontraditional editing techniques.  Ask Alex, he can fill you in on the editing details of the picture.  There were a lot of good photos in the exhibit, some were over the top, some were abstract, some were boring, and some I think weren’t even photos.  More photo shop edits than real photography.  But Alex’s was more real and meaningful than most of the photos.  I would assume that’s why he got the merit award. 
Anyways, I wanted to let you all know that Alex is a great friend and that he’s got a talent for what he does.  If you are in the old town area and are looking for something to do, please go see the exhibit at the Albuquerque Museum.  I think it’s called “Focus on Youth” and for a New Mexico resident, it’s only $3 for entry to the museum.  Not a bad price if you ask me.   Support the kid, because you’re going to be seeing some great things come from him in the future.  I know I will.

Monday, April 4, 2011

A little rave about music

     There’s defiantly a song for every situation in life.  At least there is in my life.  I was watching a movie the other night “Elizabethtown” and it reminded me how great a sound track can be.  As odd as it may be, I often relate moods, events, and emotions to music that I have in my library.  Up there in the endless vastness of a brain that I have.  I’d like to think of it being similar to my ipod, 50% full of music and 50% of other random facts to help me survive throughout the day. 
     I was pretty stoked to find a way to attach a playlist to the side of my blog.  It’s a free playlist, so there isn’t a lot of selection of music to choose from, but I’m able to get some good jams into it.  I’ll try to keep the playlist fresh and interesting.  If anyone has some suggestions or a story to any of the songs they hear, please feel free to comment and let me know. 
     One aspect of music that I haven’t been able to enjoy for a while has been live music.  For no reason other than the economics of it.  Which, is a sorry reason looking back on it.  I remember constantly going to concerts in high school and college.  If there was someone playing within a 200 mile radius I wanted to see, I’d scrape the cash together and go see them.  For some reason, I make a crap load more money now, but justify not being able to see live music cause I can’t afford it.  Hummm, that’s actually one of my New Year’s resolutions, to see more live shows.  Recently I went to a show in Santa Fe with Jamie and Pat.  It was an eye opener to me; I really miss a good live show!  The show was Joe Ely, Terry Allan, and Ryan Bingham in a storytellers setting.  Now, not just any live show traveling through town.  Good quality shows that I want to see.  One less night of going out each month, a few less dinners dining out, should afford me the opportunity to go to any concert that I want to see.  Who’s it going to be next?  Someone good I hope.